Welcome to Saurabh Garg's weBLOG

Management Development Institute, Gurgaon better known as MDI Gurgaon is one of the premier BSchools in India. I would be spending some time here for my PGPM course. This weBLOG would share the incidents and memories of the place.

Please note that the views presented herein are MY PERSONAL VIEWS and should not be taken as a general opinion.

MDI Rocks !
Posted on: Wednesday, July 14, 2004

MDI - Managemet Development Institute.

MDI is my new home, my new passion, my new love, my new life, my new ME !

MDI has been a dream since last two years. I strangely decided to take CAT in 2003 because all my classmates at Maharaja Agrasen College were taking it. I took CAT and few other B School entrance tests. Got call from MDI and I was'nt selected.

Started working at a company and things didnt turn out well and had to leave that place and decided to take cat again in 2004. Took CAT and finally made it to MDI after the waitlist cleared till 30.

That was the History of me bing at MDI. Coming to the Current...

MDI offers two courses at graduate level. Regular PGPM and specialized PGP-HRM. I am enrolled at PGPM course and the person with MAX CAT percentile has 99.96 and the person at the end is 95.48 with a years experience in some call centre.

One thing that stands apart for MDI is that EVERYONE, I mean EVERYONE is very very good. Right from the senior batch to faculty and the management team, people are experienced, understanding and they KNOW ! And who needs to give an introduction for Dr. Pritam Singh. Everything about him could be summed up by mentioning the fact that hes been awarded Padma Shri by the Republic of India.

To Be Edited and Contd...

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End Of MDI Rocks !, Posted by SG

Main Bhartiya Hoon


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Disclaimer: Please note that the views presented herein are MY PERSONAL VIEWS and should not be taken as a general opinion.