Welcome to Saurabh Garg's weBLOG

Management Development Institute, Gurgaon better known as MDI Gurgaon is one of the premier BSchools in India. I would be spending some time here for my PGPM course. This weBLOG would share the incidents and memories of the place.

Please note that the views presented herein are MY PERSONAL VIEWS and should not be taken as a general opinion.

Gone with the wind !
Posted on: Saturday, July 24, 2004

It's 24th July 2004. A month has passed in a flash!

I landed at MDI on 24th June 2004 with a couple of bags and lots of hopes. Its been a month since I am here and I would be here for atleast another 11 months or so.

23rd June... There I was standing amongst 180 odd more "Change Masters" who had come to Gurgaon from All Over the India to Change their destinies and Master their lives. Some have already been successful in Changing and Mastering, some are almost there and there are some, like me, who are still trying to get used to the life here.

A typical day here would include sleeping for just 4 hours, eating the same "good" food daily, looking at your batch mates study for rest 20 hours and cursing yourself for not studying. And this is when we don't have difficult subjects, sweet professors, so many facilities and what not.

Everyone would talk about academic rigor here but one thing that goes most un-noticed is the student activities. Students here have innumerable options if they want to explore and develop themselves. One can run anything from a Kirana Store to a Mutual Fund here. Apart from running stuff, you can be a part of PlaceComm or Alumni Committee and make people run around.

Library is huge! You have any book you name. One book I found missing was good old Champak that I love so much. And no copies of Panchtantra. Seriously speaking, Panchtantra is one of the best Management Books you can ever find and still no mention about it in the library. I tried asking the librarian but alas! He said there are no plans to procure it in the near future. I would certainly think about it once I become the General Secy. or the PG Rep.
Talking of posts and the power associated with them, we have had elections, booze parties, campaigning, slogans, mud slinging etc. It was certainly fun. Politics here at MDI aren't like those we have at Delhi University. People think about it for a day, forget it the next day. The candidate I was favoring and campaigned for lost in the CR elections. I would be taking the revenge next year ;)

Right now I am sitting in the Comp Center. Its open from 9 AM to 5 AM. Yes 0900 hrs to 0500 hrs. You can play music of your choice in the Comp Centre, Occasionally Study, Play Games, the hottest ones being Icy Tower and Pocket Tanks. I suck at both of them even though I think am champ with gaming ;)

Computer Games remind me of TOL. They were fired yesterday. Will post about it in the War of Words.

So every student here has a senior student mentor and a faculty mentor. My student mentor is Ruchi Pokhriyal. She is from Delhi, an engineer and ex-classmate of Jyoti. She is majoring into Marketing and HR and she happens to hold a few key positions here. She is one of the five members of the Alumni Committee and a Panelist at the Delphique/Imperium HR panel. Imperium/Delphique is our inter-college fest and there is immense competition to get through these panels. There was this event where I was supposed to talk to seniors and write about Ruchi. I hope the report I wrote is still with Ruchi and as soon as I get it, I would post it here. I am still not sure if I should call her "TU" or "AAP". She is more of a friend than a senior, but again this is one of those things that are debatable ;) Enough about Ruchi and coming to my faculty mentor, Prof. Kalra, he is one of the pioneers in the Organizational Behaviour. Just search for HPM and you would know the stature of the man. He takes our Organizational Behaviour Classes and to tell the truth, he is AMAZINGLY good.

To Be Contd ...

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End Of Gone with the wind !, Posted by SG

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Disclaimer: Please note that the views presented herein are MY PERSONAL VIEWS and should not be taken as a general opinion.