Welcome to Saurabh Garg's weBLOG

Management Development Institute, Gurgaon better known as MDI Gurgaon is one of the premier BSchools in India. I would be spending some time here for my PGPM course. This weBLOG would share the incidents and memories of the place.

Please note that the views presented herein are MY PERSONAL VIEWS and should not be taken as a general opinion.

Mandevians @ ICFAI Gurgaon
Posted on: Sunday, January 09, 2005

Mandevians, students from MDI went down to participate in Blitzkrieg at ICFAI Business School (IBS) Gurgaon this weekend. Blitzkrieg is thier annual cultural festival wherein they invite participants from all over the country and there are speciality games for Operations, Marketing, IT, Finance etc. Apart from these games, there were inforals, quizzes etc.

So I went there and won the IT game along with Saurav Dey and Aarti Dewan. Shubhi Sood and Samit Tibrewala were third in the game. Ridhima Thukral, Ketan Mohile and Lavin won the Marketing Game and they were second in Ad-Mad. Great going MDI peeps !

So the point to note there was that they had a theme based show. I think thats a great idea and it should be followed by other B-Schools as well. Their theme was Rural India. All the games were designed around this theme and the campus was decorated with rural settings. The themes were relevant in todays' context when more and more companies are going for rural markets and trying to penetrate the heart of India.

And before closing this entry down, I would like to mention that I would be closing this BLOG very soon as the real purpose of the BLOG is not being served. I would keep posting about MDI and the things in my personal BLOG.

Saurabh Signin Off @ MDI !

End Of Mandevians @ ICFAI Gurgaon, Posted by SG
Arena 2004
Posted on: Friday, December 17, 2004

Imperium, Delphique, Illumina and e-Blast are the MDI's window for the outside world. People know what happens at MDI, how hard we word, how harder we party, how we enjoy life through these events. Somethings are exclusive and people do miss them. Arena 2004 is one of them.

Arena is our internal sports and cultural meet organized once every year. We have competitions like races (in all flavours Dash, Relay, backward etc.), badminton, table tennis etc. I would leave the rest of the details for the lucky few when they get into MDI.

So the point here is not Arena 2004 but the matter of the fact is the competitve spirit that sports bring out of people. At Arena there were my classmates - some freshers, some with work-ex of 5+ years and everyone was striving hard to participate, to win ! There were faculty members (who anyhday would charge in lacs for consultancy assignemnts), there were FPM students (who would be the professors in some time to come), kids (the future), exchange students (who would fly off to their countries in few days). Almost all were very differnt people but had something in common. The spirit to fight, the spirit to participate and the spirit to win.

I can take myself for an example. I am one of those who HATE walking, leave alone running. So there was this race and one of the classmates were looking for someone to complete the team and I pitched in. I was'nt decided that I would be able to run and do justice to the team's confidence in me but I decided to go ahead and be a part of the team. And I left even myself surprised with the kinda effort I put in. I forgot everything, I wasnt concious of the girl I want to pataofy, I was'nt worried about my grades, future anything... All I was concerned with was running and putting in my best effort. The feeling can not be replicated. You have to do it to experience it. Sports brought out a hidden me. I always thought I can't concentrate on something, can't put in my best, would never be satisfied but when I was running, even thought I didnt win, I was happy, I could tell myself that I had put in the best effort and I knew that nesxt year, I would put in even harder effort and try to win.

It was a sort of enlightenment for me. (Wow am talking like Aasaram Bapu) :D. So the bottom line is that if someone can put in so much effort in sports and be motivated like anything, why can't people realize it themselves... Confusing thoughts I know but who said life was easy...

End Of Arena 2004, Posted by SG
Posted on: Monday, September 13, 2004

Septemberthe22nd happens to be my Birthday and my First End Term exams start on that very day. I would say a perfect birthday gift for me. I would be completing my first term here at MDI on 25th September the day our exams end.

We have two papers on a day with one in the forenoon and one in afternoon. Exams are REAL tough and they get tougher with the kinda competition we have here. The marks and the grades that we get are relatively calculated. So this means that if you get 45 outta 50 and the rest of the batch has got 48+/30, you are screwed. Even though on paper you scored 90% (imagine 90%) you are gonna get a D grade. There could be times when you get 10 on 50 and grade as A+ because the entire class got 7 on 50. Its all relative. Now I see the implications of the Theory of Relativity given by Sir Albert Eienstein.

So we have few days to go for the exams and that mean some of us would get a few days to study, some would take it as few days for masti, some (people like me) would take these days as one of those regular days when you have nothing special to do and just pester people. Talking of pesterin people I made Samidha real MAD. She actually yelled at me! (Big Deal - every other girl yells @ me).

End Of , Posted by SG
Saturday Nights
Posted on: Saturday, September 11, 2004

So this is one of the few Saturdays when I ain't home.

End Of Saturday Nights, Posted by SG
A Free Bird
Posted on: Sunday, August 22, 2004

Its beeen atleast a month since I have been trying to add an entry to the blog. There are a million things I can talk about and I can't seem to add an entry in the blog.

So I have some time before I sleep today and here is my contribution for the day. If at all anyone reads this COMPLETELY, please send me a mail @ saurabh.garg@gmail.com and I would send a quiz to complete ;) Actually I don't believe that people would have time to read my blog. Anyways here is comes...

So the reason I have some spare time is that my exams aka MID TERMS are gettting over tomorrow. Tomorow we have Oral Comunications and Presentation Skills Paper and as far as I know, I know quite a fwe things about it and I should'nt really study. We have seven papers of one credit each. Mid Terms started on Monday and we had two papers on a day and they passed in a jiffy. One thing great about a B School is that life is very fast. The time runs so fast that you don't even realize when you got bald and when two years got over.

Anyways exams was a sad story. As usual I did'nt study the way I should have. I did the badly and anyone can guess my scores. There are fwe things that I have learnt from the Mid Terms. I could be one of those gurus and share my global gyaan bout em... but at a later stage. I have got more important stuff to write.

So exams, I realized who was a good friend and who was'nt. There would be some people who irrespective of their condition and preparation level would help you out and there would be few who won't want to help at all. I dunno if I can call them friends but am really impressed by some people. It would be worth mentioning there names here. I am very honourd to be studying with Ketan, Nishant, Pushkar, Ridhima, Samidha, Sandeep, Satyajeet, Saurabh. These guys never ever refused anyone for anything someone might need.

After that senti stuff, lets get to the funny side of the exams. The paper begins at 10:15 in the morning and we are recquired to be in the hall at 10:05. One fine day, we had some paper and it was 10:10, we realized that Mr. Sandeep Agarwal (the guy who posted the Mother Diary write-up) was missing from the hall. We could'nt figure out what might have hapened to him and where would he be. We missed called him n number of times and he won't pick da phone. Suddenly someone thinks that he might be sleeping and then one person goes running to the hostel to find him. He is found sleeping in his room with no worries of any sort. Finally he is brought into the exmination hall at around 10:25 and finally he manages to take the paper. Moral of the story... Buy an Alarm Clock !

Sandeep also happens to be a member of the "Constitutional bench of the Supreme Court" of PG04 Section A (people here have been divided into two sections with 61 students each and I happen to be in section A). The other "judges" of the "constitutional bench" are Satyadeep Gandhi, Myself, Saurabh S. Gupta and Sharad Gupta (4 out of 5 are baniyas ;)). For the unlearned, a "baniya" is a special class of people in India who are supposed to be good at making money.

At MDI, the way we sit in the lecture hall is pre decided and everyone sits according to the enrollment number. My number happens to be 50 and yes its cool :D. So the bench I sit on houses people from number 48 to 52. We sit on the second last row in the lecture hall and it gives us a lot of oppurtunities to unleash ourselves. So why are we called The Constituional Bench? Once we were sitting in a class and getting bored of the lecture, so the creative geniuses of the five people sitting on the bench thought of taking out an opinion poll. We took out the poll and everyone in the class sorta liked it. The very next day we were taught about the Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court and we decided to call ourselves The Bench. Another name came out. Me being a John Grisham Fan, decided to call us Brethren as we decided petty issues with these polls. These polls are a big hit and everyone still enjoys it and we get to test our creativity skills with em. The reason for me writing about it that from Friday onwards, The Bench would be broken. The seating order is reversed after the Mid Terms and people are now made to sit in decreasing order. Effectively we would be sitting on the second bench and we would no longer be sitting on the same bench. I would miss the fun we had on the bench :(

Now since I have touched polls, let me complete the poll thingy. The poll is made on a sheet of paper with a question on it. Then we add few options and we pass along to let everyone add their votes and add options. Few questions from the poll that I remember are "Who is the most effective sleeping pill in the class?" with options as people who would talk and make no sense, another was "Who should go and take a bath?" with options as people who stink, another was "Whos got the crush on the Madam X" with unlimited options and Madam X not defined.

MDI has a excellent Music Society called Mandolins. They have EXPERT people with them. No one can sing better than Sowmya and Prakash, play better keyboard than Abhik, make better sounds with computer keyboard than me ;), play better saxophone than Karishma, play beter guitar thar Rahul Raj Singh. There are so many talented people, if I started writing their names here, it would take me atleast an hour to jot down stuff and beleive me that hour would be worth spent. I would try to do it at some other time but abhi let me try to add things that would add more dimensions to my experience at MDI. Before that, one name deserves a special mention. Prakash. He is one of the people who can sing really really well. He can play guitar, drums, flute, you name it and he plays it. He is from some North-Eastern state and the problem he faces is the lyrics. He does'nt knows the lyrics of many hindi songs yet he is able to substitue some words and sing them perfectly. I can't explain it on words. You have to listen to him to know what kinda talent he is. I have got a few videos of him singing and would try to post them if someone could donate me about 30 Megs of webspace and few gigs of bandwidth. Oh did I mention that he works in the Mess here?

MDI campus is very very beautiful. It is spread over an area of about 40 acres and is very scenic. None of the building has more than three floors. This adds to the beauty of the landscaping. We have huge trees lining up the roads and pathways. The campus is surrouned by the Golf Course on two sides. Its all open and green. Another thing to boast about would be the view and feel of the campus in the rains. When it rains, everything is so beautiful and refreshing. When it rains, the weather is already very pleasant and on top of it we have the beautiful MDI campus. I would say the sight of the MDI campus in rains should not be missed by any one.

One thing good about MDI is that apart from academics we get to do a lot of stuff. There are so many events and oppurtunites for people to explore and develop themselves. If one is interested in academic reaseach, we ave Delphique for him. If one is interested in cultural events, Imperium and for all those people who live, eat and sleep fun and hard work, we have Illumina.

Delphique is an Management Convention where people from industry come and help us know more. For Delphique, students at MDI research on a particular theme and write papers on it. They would carry out research for three long months working atleast 4 hours a day, finding about the topic chosen and prepare a discussion material. Then this discussion would be opened in front of the CEOs and VPs and MDs of the huge companies and then they would give their perspective. This event lasts for two days and after two days you come out more knowledgble than your entire two year stint at a BSchool. Last year's website can be located at http://www.mdi-delphique.com.

Imperium happens to be our inter BSchool Cultural festival. We invite students from all over the country and they all come and have fun of their lives. Last year there were Parikrama and Jagjit Singh on campus and boy was it fun. From the pics and videos of the last years Imperium, I envy my seniors and wonder if I was there last year, what would it be like. I really wanted to be there...

And last but not the least we have Illumina the Diwali Mela. Diwali is one time of the year when everyone is so happy and in the best of their spirits. We celebrate Diwali like no other BSchool. We have a fun day Diwali Mela where people living near MDI come and enjoy. We have regular stalls like food, games, quizzes etc. Every one across evert age group gets something or the other to make him happy.

And sudddenly I realize that this post is getting long and I should stop writing cos its hurting my eyes, my fingers, my brains, my ...

End Of A Free Bird, Posted by SG
Mother Dairy Visit
Posted on: Sunday, July 25, 2004

This was written by Sandeep...

From: pg04sandeep_a Sent: Sat 7/24/2004 4:03 PM
To: PGPM2004
Subject: Mother Dairy Visit

Hi everyone

Just a little recap of our Mother Dairy Visit today. Not all of us were there but i believe that 1/3rd of the batch was. It started around 8.00 A.M. with quite a few sleepy faces who were also sleeping in the Bus on the way to Mother Dairy(atleast for half the journey). Around half of the bus was still active in the morning and they eventually got the bus involved with a game of antakshri. Ofcourse one team (the people sitting upfront) were not as vociferous as compared to their peers sitting at the rear end. We reached MD in the course of this antakshri and had a good time there. especially with the AC on when the movie was playing (zzzz) and also with various parts of the dairy. The movie ended with some CP or DCP even when there were no Class Participation Marks.
Some of us actually wanted to climb the milk containers and probably wanted to peep into it. Then came the refreshments part of the Visit at Mother Dairy and that was the milk offered and sharma is the current record holder(i think) with 11 glasses of milk. And ofcourse everyone enjoyed the ice-creams as well. And we were back in the bus for the return journey.

It started with Arvind singing two beautiful hindi songs for us. He should be encouraged to sing more often. After that people were specifically asked to sing songs for the bus a few notable singers -
Swati, Pushkar, Amrit, Pochu, Khemka. Quite an active participation from the rest of the bus a few notables Saurabh G. , the other Saurabh , and Stayajit Gandhi.

There were a few dedications specially for Raj(two songs dedicated), Ruchika (one song dedicated), Some dedications to the quizzes and ..... . And for the rest of the journey almost all the bus was singing except for one or teo sleepy faces here and there. Again leading the Change Masters in their efforts were Soumaya, Amit Sharma, and Abhishek Kanodia
(who knows all the lyrics of all the songs). Their was shayari though not always good by khemka. It ended with a few songs that i cannot recall after entering MDI and some shayari. I think i will end here and sorry if i have missed something.

Looking forward to the next Industrial Visit.

Sandeep Agarwal
PGPM 2004

Apart from what Sandeep has to say, One thing I enjoyed most about Mother Diary visit was the advert jingle... "Doodh Dhoodh"... The tag line. It was played for us after the introductory presentation on Mother Diary was over. Everyone (about 40 of us) forgot our ages and sang along with the advert. It was AMAZING experience.

I would try to find out the lyrics somewhere and post em here.

P.S.: When coming back, I was sleeping ;)

End Of Mother Dairy Visit, Posted by SG
Gone with the wind !
Posted on: Saturday, July 24, 2004

It's 24th July 2004. A month has passed in a flash!

I landed at MDI on 24th June 2004 with a couple of bags and lots of hopes. Its been a month since I am here and I would be here for atleast another 11 months or so.

23rd June... There I was standing amongst 180 odd more "Change Masters" who had come to Gurgaon from All Over the India to Change their destinies and Master their lives. Some have already been successful in Changing and Mastering, some are almost there and there are some, like me, who are still trying to get used to the life here.

A typical day here would include sleeping for just 4 hours, eating the same "good" food daily, looking at your batch mates study for rest 20 hours and cursing yourself for not studying. And this is when we don't have difficult subjects, sweet professors, so many facilities and what not.

Everyone would talk about academic rigor here but one thing that goes most un-noticed is the student activities. Students here have innumerable options if they want to explore and develop themselves. One can run anything from a Kirana Store to a Mutual Fund here. Apart from running stuff, you can be a part of PlaceComm or Alumni Committee and make people run around.

Library is huge! You have any book you name. One book I found missing was good old Champak that I love so much. And no copies of Panchtantra. Seriously speaking, Panchtantra is one of the best Management Books you can ever find and still no mention about it in the library. I tried asking the librarian but alas! He said there are no plans to procure it in the near future. I would certainly think about it once I become the General Secy. or the PG Rep.
Talking of posts and the power associated with them, we have had elections, booze parties, campaigning, slogans, mud slinging etc. It was certainly fun. Politics here at MDI aren't like those we have at Delhi University. People think about it for a day, forget it the next day. The candidate I was favoring and campaigned for lost in the CR elections. I would be taking the revenge next year ;)

Right now I am sitting in the Comp Center. Its open from 9 AM to 5 AM. Yes 0900 hrs to 0500 hrs. You can play music of your choice in the Comp Centre, Occasionally Study, Play Games, the hottest ones being Icy Tower and Pocket Tanks. I suck at both of them even though I think am champ with gaming ;)

Computer Games remind me of TOL. They were fired yesterday. Will post about it in the War of Words.

So every student here has a senior student mentor and a faculty mentor. My student mentor is Ruchi Pokhriyal. She is from Delhi, an engineer and ex-classmate of Jyoti. She is majoring into Marketing and HR and she happens to hold a few key positions here. She is one of the five members of the Alumni Committee and a Panelist at the Delphique/Imperium HR panel. Imperium/Delphique is our inter-college fest and there is immense competition to get through these panels. There was this event where I was supposed to talk to seniors and write about Ruchi. I hope the report I wrote is still with Ruchi and as soon as I get it, I would post it here. I am still not sure if I should call her "TU" or "AAP". She is more of a friend than a senior, but again this is one of those things that are debatable ;) Enough about Ruchi and coming to my faculty mentor, Prof. Kalra, he is one of the pioneers in the Organizational Behaviour. Just search for HPM and you would know the stature of the man. He takes our Organizational Behaviour Classes and to tell the truth, he is AMAZINGLY good.

To Be Contd ...

End Of Gone with the wind !, Posted by SG

Main Bhartiya Hoon


to MDI Gurgaon

Saurabh Garg Space


Saurabh Garg Space

Link Backs @ MDI

Saurabh Garg Space

Saurabh Garg Space

Stuff to be BLOGged !

Saurabh Garg Space


Disclaimer: Please note that the views presented herein are MY PERSONAL VIEWS and should not be taken as a general opinion.